As I had noted already in my intro, this is a blog about my journey into the unknown of veganism .. which for many North Americans is this crazy cult that they want nothing to do with... not even the Vegetarians are sure they are ready to make that one final leap into the world of ANIMAL AND ANIMAL PRODUCT FREE ZONE.
The daunting thought of eating nothing but plants seems some how lame, boring and very dietish... but I was given the challenge of which I have accepted.
"LIFE BEGINS AT THE END OF OUR COMFORT ZONE" .... now the challenge begins and I wonder if I can make this type of diet, my new "zone".
During the last week of December, while indulging on some of my favorite dishes and beverages, like lasagna and eggnog lattes, I had advised my husband and my son of my decided transition into this new and exciting way of being.
I announced, "I'm going vegan in the new year... you can eat what I make or you can walk to McDonald's" .. my son has now resigned himself a "vegan by default and protest".
Now, I do have to admit, I had a helping hand with a 21 day kick start website which allowed me to follow along and gave me daily menu items and suggestions to follow. After reviewing many of the days items and various menu options, I headed in my own direction, but staying within the guidelines of a low fat vegan diet. Falling back on this great resource for inspiration.
I have also added to my challenge besides diet. Since it was suggested , that by simply eating within these rules and eliminating any meat or animal product, plus refraining from processed grains and sugars, that, besides a healthier me, I should reap the benefits of weight loss. So for the next 30 days, I will not add any additional exercise to my regular routine, to see what the full effects are of the way of life.
I am now 3 days into my challenge and
in the days to come , I hope to be able to post my findings and my feelings and have you come alone with me on this journey, has we discover , new foods, new recipes, maybe some new friends and if it works... a New Me !!
and the journey begins..............................
not seen any more updates....